CAA Zine: Collaborate, Interact, Participate

CAA Zine

Creativity is no longer the sole territory of a separate creative class. Artists and designers now face an activated public. Today’s users approach art and design with a growing expectation that they participate in the generation of content and the shaping of their own experiences. The burgeoning DIY, Open Source and Free Culture movements reflect the growing values for participation, openness, and inclusion.

What does this shift toward participation mean to art and design? Last weekend, I, along with other members of the AIGA Design Educator Community took a stab at the answer. The resulting panel, entitled Collaboration, Interaction, Participation: What Does the Rise of Participatory Culture Mean for Art and Design Education and Practice?, took place at this year’s College Art Association Conference in New York City.

Chairs: Helen Armstrong, Miami University; Lee Vander Kooi,Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis | Panelists: Zvezdana Stojmirovic, Maryland Institute College of Art; Nathan Davis, Montana State University; Richard Elaver, Appalachian State University

(to read more about this topic, check out Participate: Designing with User-Generated Content by Helen Armstrong and Zvezdana Stojmirovic or visit the book’s companion website: )

Whether you attended the panel or not, check out the companion zine, which includes talking points from each presentation: CAA_DEC_Zine_

CAA Zine: Collaborate, Interact, Participate

Download zine: CAA_DEC_Zine_