In preparation for the workshop, please read these pdfs excerpted from Participate: Designing with User-Generated Content: Participate_essays, Participate_intro. Note that these readings specifically reference graphic design but the concepts could be explored equally through photography.
Phase One: Divide up into groups of 5. Spend 15 minutes doing the following:
—Each person share a secret with the group. This should be something that you have never told anyone before. After you tell the secret, select one word to represent it (for example: My secret is that I stole a pack of gum when I was a 11. My word: gum). Try to select secrets that aren’t too gruesome or gross.
—As this process moves through the group, repeat all the previous words before you tell your own secret. (for example: gum, Barbie, baby….my secret is… word is….)
—Once everyone has had a turn, write down all the words (not before, though).
Phase Two:
—Working in groups, brainstorm ideas for taking the resulting set of words and translating them into a series of photographs (1 word per photograph).
—Come up with multiple ideas. Things to consider: The photographs could be literal interpretations of each word or more symbolic. What would the subjects be? How would you light them? How would they work together as a series?
—Select one idea and go out and photograph. Bring the results back to share with the class.
Interesting Designers To Check Out
Jonathan Puckey, Studio Moniker
1) build community through a participatory process;
2) learning strategies for collaborative making;
3) gain basic skills in developing a conceptual series of photographs
Group 3 Secrets
Group 4 Secrets
Group 2 Secrets
Group 1 Secrets