VR Workshop at Hunt Library

Dreaming in VR Prototyping Workshop

Workshop Leaders

Derek Ham, Associate Professor of Art & Design College of Design, NC State University Helen Armstrong, Professor of Graphic & Experience Design College of DesignNC State University

The Workshop

“Dreams are never concerned with trivia.” ― Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams “By exposing the hidden dream-thoughts, we have confirmed in general that the dream does continue the motivation and interests of waking life, for dream-thoughts are engaged only with what seems to be important and of great interest to us.” ― Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams “The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul.” Carl Jung, The Meaning of Psychology for Modern Man Workshop Instructions: VR_Workshop_Hunt_Instructions

Key Goals for Prototype

1. Cohesive Narrative: Your environment encompasses all of your surroundings (sides, top and bottom). Pay attention to how the sides relate to one another. Create one space that makes sense to exist within.

2. Illusion of Depth: Create the illusion of 3D space.

Objects that are closer naturally draw our attention first. How will you direct the user’s focus?

The scale of an object is affected by the placement within the environment. An object that closer will appear larger.

3. Add Motion and/or Interaction: Consider how the participant might use his/her physical body or input device to interact with the environment.

4. Add Sound: Be sure to select sounds that support your environment rather than distract from it. (Use headphones/earbuds.)

Sound Sources

Free sound tracks partnerships in rhyme

VR Examples from Discussion

EMPATHY Clouds Over Sidra Project Literacy 6×9: Solitary Confinement Gender Swap —– SENSORY The Climb Honda: Fastest Seat in Sports Samsung: Marvel’s Avengers Age of Ultron Part 2 —- CLOSE OBSERVATION/FOCUS Google Cardboard: Artic Journey Panopticon —– SIMULATION sixense.com —– STORYTELLING Sisters

SOCIAL altvr.com

Getting Started: Prototype & Mockup Tools

aframe Panoform three.js

 Grids for Prototyping

Useful Links for Designing for VR

Designing for Google Cardboard Roll, Pitch and Yaw  The VR Reading List How to Design Happiness

This workshop is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This means that the material may be shared, as long as it clearly attributed to its creators, Helen Armstrong and Derek Ham, and not used for commercial purposes.