A design prof researching

What I’m Up To…

The Target Network Analysts (TDNA) Challenge

Master of Graphic & Experience Design (MGXD) students recently collaborated with the NC State Laboratory of Analytic Sciences (LAS) to explore the potential of AI to assist Target Digital Network Analysts (TDNAs). Background: "Much of the foundational skills of TDNAs rest on understanding the complex underlying technology systems and pace of the global internet. Similar…

Discovering Design Innovations for the Promotion of Insights by Intelligence Analysts

Text in this entry has been excerpted from "The Pictorial Trapezoid: Adapting McCloud's Big Triangle for creative semiotic precision in generative text-to-image AI" authored by Matthew Peterson, Ashley Anderson, Kayla Rondinelli and Helen Armstrong This past year, I worked on a research project with Dr. Matthew Peterson and research assistants Ashley Anderson, Kayla Rondinelli, and…

How can A.I. Transform Voice Language Analysis?

Master of Graphic & Experience Design (MGXD) students recently collaborated with the Laboratory of Analytic Sciences (LAS) here at NC State to explore the potential of machine learning to assist in voice language analysis tasks. As AI/ML technologies becomes more prevalent in modern workflows, new conveniences emerge even as some cognitive burdens increase. The advent…

Personalizing the Shopper’s Journey with REI Co-op

NC State Graphic & Experience Design seniors in Professor Armstrong's studio worked with REI to explore possible avenues of personalizing the shopper journey. By leveraging machine learning and artificial intelligence mechanisms, businesses like REI can deliver personalized, efficient, accurate, and relevant shopping experiences to customers. Personalizing experiences have the potential to make interactions more “useful,…

Available Now: Big Data. Big Design

My new book: Big Data. Big Design: Why Designers Should Care about A.I. . Order here . What does this topic have to do with you? Designers stand at the verge of a great professional opportunity: artificial intelligence. This technology enables computers to study the world and make predictions using unstructured data. We can speak to machines—and machines can…

How Can ML Help Knowledge Workers to Efficiently Enter Their Workflow?

Master of Graphic Design (MGXD) students collaborated with the Laboratory of Analytic Sciences (LAS) here at NC State to explore the potential of a Tailored Daily Report (TLDR)—an intelligent, interactive interface that might assist intelligence analysts as they begin their day. Students moved through a human-centered research process to determine current analyst needs and opportunities…

Autonomous Vehicles as Mobile Data Collection Devices

Seniors in our GD400 course spent 9 weeks digging into autonomous vehicles and data collection with Red Hat. The Central Research Question: How can the data collected by an AV benefit human passengers and communities in ways unrelated to the functionality of the car? The project asked students to consider topics like data privacy and…

Machine Learning for Speculative Futures Workshop

Last spring, I  led a workshop at The Maryland Institute College of Art focusing on Machine Learning + Interface Design. Using a modified version of Stuart Candy's Thing from the Future game, students were asked to design for the future: "Imagine for a moment that you fell asleep and woke up in a strange future.…

Using Knowledge Graphs to Make Critical Decisions

In the midst of the pandemic, The NC State Laboratory for Analytic Sciences (LAS) partnered with our master’s students in the NCSU College of Design’s Graphic Design Department to tackle the potential for a knowledge graph to support the work of intelligence analysts. Over a 9 week period, the grad students collaborated with LAS to…

Solving Challenges for Chief Data Officers with A.I.

Fall 2020, seniors at NC State worked with a team at SAS Analytics for 9 weeks to design an experience within SAS Information Catalog that utilizes Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to solve challenges for a Political Data Team or Chief Data Officer. The Results Team 1: Asumi Hasan, Andrew Thornton, Lily Reed…

Interested in discussing machine learning & design with your class? Here’s a two part lecture.

Here is a two part lecture series to initiate a discussion of machine learning with your design students. I'm happy to lead a Q&A followup if you contact me. Please forgive that this is not a polished recording. I hope this is helpful in your classrooms during this stressful time. Machine Learning Lecture: Part One…

“Who’s Afraid of A.I.” Cards

I created a set of cards to help design students explore the potential functionality of machine learning, while considering the ethical implications of use. Both grads and undergrads used the cards to take on the role of A.I. in design practice. Instructions for using the deck, along with additional resources, can be found at the…


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